When a hypodermic layer of fat around your neck hangs to build
sagging in the skin, it typically appears as Double-Chin. Depending on
genetics can make a double chin too, it happens when your body stores
the excess water under the jaw or collect excess fat. Aging process can
also cause double chin where muscles over the body lose rapidly. Also,
the muscles around the jaw weaken, and the skin begins growing loose.
Try to follow our DIY tips, and complete the exercises and we guarantee the results, it worth to try.
It’s an effective method to diminish neck fat is massaging the neck
and chin with wheat germ oil. This oil is plentiful in Vitamin E that
assists in feeding and stretching the skin.
How to apply: Massage with wheat germ oil in motion
from the beginning of your neck towards the double chin for approximate
15 to 20 minutes before going to sleep. Practice this for some 10 days.
Cocoa butter helps to improve the flexibility of the skin. Researches
have revealed that the bioactive components of cocoa ingredients
present pharmacologic outcomes in lowering inflammatory processes.
How to apply: Heat a single tbs of cocoa butter.
Smoothly massage the chin and neck area for approximately 15 minutes in a
clockwise direction and also in anti-clockwise. Utilize this on daily
bases before shower or before going to bed within ten days the double
chin will stretch up.
Train the facial muscles and keep them toned by chewing gum,
optionally sugar-free. It also keeps your gums and teeth healthy as well
as strengthen up.
IF do not have any butter cocoa or wheat seed oil, you can use
whipped up egg whites to make the mask. Egg whites are a more accessible
cure for the double chin. Egg Whites masks are made of egg whites,
lemon, milk, and honey can stretch the skin muscles.
How to Apply: Discreetly separate the egg white of
two or three eggs. Stir it with a tbsp of honey, milk, and lemon juice.
Rub the chin and neck area and let the mix to dry. After approximately
an hour rinse it with warm water.
When it comes to
food for your skin
one should definitely increase their intake of Vitamin E. Vitamin E is
vital in maintaining the health of your skin and preventing it from
Green leafy vegetables, dairy products, legumes, nuts, seeds, beans,
and liver are rich in Vitamin E. You can also look out for Green Tea. If
you take daily vitamin E supply you can easily get rid of that double
An important look of your 10-day cycle to decrease double chin is
going to be the Facial Exercises. These workouts assist in tightening
and tone the double chin.
Chin up is a popular double chin reduction exercise. Pull your lower
lip as high as possible by pushing out your lower jaw. You’ll feel a
slight strain on your jaw and chin muscles as you push out your jaw.
Hold the lip and jaw in the position for 15 seconds and repeat 20 times.
This exercise will not only help you lose your double chin but also
give you a more prominent jawline and high cheekbone structure to your
Turn your head upwards towards sealing and keep your eyes to the
direction of the sealing also. Then hold the lips as strong as possible
while trying to kiss the sky. Then hold yourself in this shape for about
10-15 seconds and repeat it 20 times. This exercise tightens most of
the facial muscles even the jaw, throat, neck, and throat.
There are two parts to this exercise. First, close your lips and make
chewing motion using your lower jaw. Now hum and count your breath.
After 10 breaths stop to relax. In the second part, open your mouth and
stick your tongue to the lower front teeth from the front. Again hum and
count for 10 breaths. Repeat both parts 20 times. This exercise will
give you a great jawline and also reduce your double chin.
You can do this simple exercise at any time of the day. Just suck in
your cheeks and lips like a guppy or fish and try to smile. Hold the
position for 10 seconds or until you feel the burn in your cheeks and
jaws. Repeat 20 times. This is one of the best and fastest ways to burn
excess fat on the chin and face.
While standing, drop your chin forward to your chest and slowly
rotate your head to the right. Hold the position for five seconds. Now,
gently rotate your head back so that your chin is to your chest. Do the
same to the left. Hold again for five seconds. Repeat this 15 times
It is one of the most comfortable face workouts. With the back of
your hand, gently slap underneath your chin and gradually increase your
speed until it starts hurting. If it starts hurting, slow down but
continue to hit your double chin for 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise 10
times. We also recommend our most
effective face exercises to remove face fat and lose double chin.