Health Benefits of Beets, the Superfood for Your Daily Diet!!!

Benefits of Beets

1. Lower Blood Pressure

Beetroots contain natural nitrates that convert into nitric oxide in the body.  Nitric oxide is composed of nitrogen and oxygen. It helps widen the blood vessels to increase blood flow throughout the body and lower blood pressure.

2. Boost Your Stamina

Drinking beetroot juice prior to exercise can help you work out longer.
With a greater blood flow throughout the body, your whole body and working tissues will benefit from greater oxygenation and less stress on the heart.
This allows for a longer workout as well as enhances tolerance to high-intensity exercise.

3. Cleanse Colon

Beetroots contain a high content of dietary fiber which is beneficial to your digestive system. It helps naturally cleansing colon by ridding your bowels of old fecal matter.

4. Boost Energy

Beetroot juice is a great option to give you a nutrient and energy boost in the morning as it is low in calories and has no fat.

Healthy Beet Juice

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