"Burn 1000 Calories In 10 Minutes Anywhere" Workout

Don’t have time for a workout? Wake up 10 minutes earlier and try this workout, you’ll burn 1000 calories in under 10 minutes, and it’ll get you ready for your day!

Don’t have time for a workout? Wake up 10 minutes earlier and try this workout, you’ll burn 1000 calories in under 10 minutes, and it’ll get you ready for your day!

The Workout

100 Jumping Jackas

100 Squats

75 Crunches

25 Pushups

15 Burpees

50 Jumping Jacks

45 Crunches

1 Minute Wall Sit

45 Seconds Plank

If you have the time, you can repeat this throughout the day to maximise the burn effect. And remember, stay hydrated.

Sources: 1,2

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